Austin Floating Flooring Services

We Provide the Best Austin Floating Flooring Services. With many years of experience, we have installed millions of square feet of floated flooring. Did you know, We require flat and clean surfaces before installing Floating flooring in Austin. That is why we professionally flatten the subfloor to manufacturer tolerances. Generally, 3/16" in a 10-foot radius is the tolerance set forth. Progressing, we utilize methods of grinding slab to minimize high points.

Next, we apply our moisture mitigation system to protect your finished flooring from future damages. Finally, we apply appropriate primer and leveling compounds until tolerance is achieved. And Now, your floor is ready to be installed.

And, Floating floor installation is the final step after all the preparation work has been completed. We carefully double-check our work to confirm a smooth installation. For example, we scrape the compound drips off or grind as necessary. Additionally, we stress cleanliness as the most important. We vacuum and sweep as to remove any debris. After that, we begin installing our first few control rows. Here, we set square for the entire installation. Importantly, this is the most influential line in the entire project. Finally, We install trim after floated flooring is completely installed. Patiently, we use spacers to maintain proper gaps. Floated flooring requires an edge gap. Generally, we maintain a gap equal to the thickness of the board.

Key Benefits of floated floors

Some key benefits of floated floors, Your Budget, Floated floors are cheaper than most other installations. by Floating, We can install with less cleanup in a shorter time. We save you hundreds of dollars this way. Another benefit, we repair floated floors. Importantly, at a discounted price to you compared to other styles. Portability, yes you can take your floated floors with you and reinstall them. Most Importantly, Floated flooring services for many years to come. Finally, We love to install floated floors in Austin.

Call our expert team to take advantage of our free consulting service.

Austin Floating Flooring Installation Services

Call today for the best Austin Floating Flooring Installation Services. Consistently, We install all kinds of floated floors. As well, we remove and reinstall floated flooring for their next home. Interestingly, We install floors with locking systems that can be carefully installed by skilled installers. So, we use no adhesive generally on locking systems. For instance, We do adhere doorways. As well, wet areas and transitions.

In addition, we install T&G flooring by floating it. Likewise, We use a small amount of flexible adhesive in the groove to limit separation. Additionally, we install patterned floors designed for floating. We efficiently install floating flooring by serving 1 piece at a time. In addition, we sand and refinish floated flooring. Through this, we extend the life of quality floated wood flooring.

We provide affordable Austin Floated Flooring Pricing in. Also, Our Austin floated Flooring prices are the cheapest in Austin. Importantly, Austin Flooring company have vetted Contractors.  As well, Our contractors are available for free estimates and bids on any project within the Austin and Surrounding areas. Did you know, Our Austin floated Flooring Installation Installers are rated the best flooring installation company in Austin.

Best Austin Floating Flooring Installation Services
We Install floated floor patterns

Best Floated wood flooring, Floated wood flooring in austin, Austins best floated wood flooring
Long Plank floated wood flooring

  • Free no-obligation quotation: Importantly, We will earn your business.
  • Absolute quality guaranteed: Additionally,Your complete satisfaction is our goal.
  • Free measuring service: Yes, We come to you.
[collapsibles] [collapse title="What is Floating Flooring?" state="active"]Floated Flooring is the least expensive way to floor your project.[/collapse] [collapse title="Are Floating Floors any Good?"]Floating floors are great for the DIY or entry level budget floor. In General, Glue down and nail down floors are more expensive.[/collapse] [collapse title="What is the advantage of a floating floor??"]Interestingly, The biggest advantage of floating floors is the speed and cost. Additionally, Underfloor heating is easier to install under floated floors[/collapse] [collapse title="Do floating floors settle over time?"]No, Floor prep is important and skipping or refusing typically results in vertical movement. Squishy Spots can be remedied in a number of ways, we charge additional for this.[/collapse] [/collapsibles]