Austin Bamboo Flooring Services

Austin Bamboo Flooring Services  provides the best bamboo flooring in Austin. Additionally, our years of experience allow us to guide our clients through the shopping, buy and installing phases. Importantly, because Bamboo flooring made its debut in the US in the early 2000's it has remained a popular choice for flooring. As a Result, due to its Green flooring choice branding. So, with Austin Flooring Company the best options in Bamboo floors is what we deal. Therefore, Even if you have a lesser bamboo floor in your home we can bring that up to par. Above all, we will provide top of the line service for you bamboo floor.

Call our expert team to take advantage of our free consulting service.

Austin Bamboo Flooring Services

The best Austin Bamboo Flooring Services providing readily renewable flooring made from premium engineered bamboo wood floors. Therefore, with a light healthy look of Bamboo Flooring we enhance your space. Because Austin Bamboo flooring services has installed many yoga room floors, we are inspiring great meditation space. This is why, Austin flooring company only provides the highest quality bamboo wood floor. Additionally, Austin bamboo flooring services has the best prices possible. We look forward to working with you.

best bamboo flooring, best price bamboo flooring
Bamboo Flooring Can Even Be Refinished

sand and finish bamboo wood flooring
Refinishing even strand woven bamboo flooring creates a beautiful floor

Renewable Bamboo Flooring

  • Because, Bamboo used for flooring has a short growth cycle of 10 years to harvest.
  • In Addition, Renewable bamboo flooring can be installed in any dry room of the house.
  • Most Importantly, Maintain Bamboo flooring after installation with maintenance coatings and refinishing.
[collapsibles] [collapse title="What is Bamboo Flooring?" state="active"]Bamboo flooring is bonded grass fibers and bamboo and resin milled into sheets of planks of fiber board[/collapse] [collapse title="Do Bamboo Floors Scratch Easily?"]Cheap bamboo floors will scratch more easily than high quality bamboo floors due to quality differences in resins and finish[/collapse] [collapse title="Are Bamboo Floors Good?"]Bamboo Floors vary in quality from mill to mill even within a single manufacturer line. Engineered bamboo flooring has been the most stable version.[/collapse] [collapse title="What are the problems with bamboo flooring?"]Bamboo may not be as green as it has been marketed, as an invasive species to many of the farms it is grown on eliminates the land for future use of other crops such as food. Bamboo is highly susceptable to moisture damage in the form of buckling, cupping and checking.[/collapse] [/collapsibles]